I really need to get back into the habit of posting twice a week. I feel lazy when I don't. It's a discipline, as one sister said last week. I apologize to any readers out there who might be disappointed when they pop on and don't see a new post, especially when the description says "updated Mondays and Fridays". I will definitely try to fix that.
Every other Saturday during Lent, we have a community movie here at the Mount. This weekend "Of Gods and Men" was the film being shown. It tells the true story of a group of Trappist monks who are stationed in Algeria during the Algerian Civil War in 1996. They must decide whether to leave and save themselves, or stay with those they came to work with and face almost certain death. I'll risk backlash from those that might not be aware that this occurred... After much discernment, the monks decide that their calling is to stay, and they are eventually kidnapped and killed. It was a very powerful movie. One sister who came into the movie a little late said that everyone was absolutely transfixed when she walked through.
It got me to thinking, could I ever be a martyr in the greatest sense of the term? Could I ever believe enough in a calling of any kind to put my life on the line? I don't know if I even have an answer for that right now. I'm just trying to become comfortable with standing up to what society says the "norm" is today, since I feel like I'm completely going against it. I care too much about what others might think, and I wish I could step out a little more, be a little more outspoken about injustices, take more of a risk in my own life. I'm growing in that area though. At least I feel like I am. As morbid as it might sound to some, I really hope that someday I know what it's like to feel so strongly about something that I'm willing to become something more than myself, willing to risk my life. I admire those that have, because I know right now I couldn't do that. Could you?
Yesterday was the opening of the March art show here at the monastery for Women's History Month. If you get a chance to make it out here between now and April 1st, check it out. There are a lot of great pieces on display by sisters, oblates, and friends of the community, both for purchase and just for your enjoyment. This includes photographs by two Rieppers: yours truly and Carrie.
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