Lent is upon us. As part of the Lenten season here, we have a daily reflection book. It's called "Not by Bread Alone" by Robert F. Morneau. I usually do my reflecting at night before bed, and today's meditation seemed like a very deep one: What are your expectations of God and of yourself?
Seems like a pretty loaded question, huh? Let's start with the first part. I guess I don't really expect a whole lot from God, at least not so much in quantity as in quality. What expectations do I have of God? Well, I would expect God to love me, no matter what, just how I am, flaws, imperfections and all. And through it all, I would hope God would be there for me, giving me what I need, not necessarily what I want, which is something I've always struggled with accepting. From God, I expect love and support.
If God always provides love and support for me, the very least I could do is return the favor, both to God, and pay it forward to others I encounter in life. I hope I am fulfilling this expectation with the work I am doing this year. I love the children in my class, despite all that comes with teaching a class full of toddlers. I love them because they are so innocent, and because they live in the moment. There is no worrying about the future, or holding on to what might have happened in the past. At times, I long to be just like them. Each child is unique and gifted in their own way. No two are the same.
I expect more of myself than I do of God. My "job" is to see Christ in everyone while also remembering to be Christ for them. I am constantly working towards being a positive representation of God's love through my actions, thoughts, experiences, etc., and forever trying to be the best me I can be.
"Embrace your uniqueness" -Unknown