This past weekend was a busy one. It was community weekend, complete with a speaker, lots of oblates to meet and make friends with, and lots of fun.
The theme was "Move It", and we did just that. We all received a lot of tips on how to keep our bodies moving so that "old age" doesn't get the best of us. No, this talk wasn't over my head. I get cramped up and sore already from sitting or kneeling too long, and have hips and knees that painfully click and pop when I walk, probably from being so active for so long and then suddenly discontinuing all of it to sit in a library for hours on end with my face in a textbook. I learned a lot from our speaker on how very gradual changes can help a lot.
Food was a big topic, too. Ya'll need to stop having birthdays and feast days, and sticking candy bars and other snacks in my mailbox!! I'm already struggling with the college 20, it's like another Freshman 15 coming on! Or should I say, the Riepper 15. I know, I know, it's all that wonderful and MUCH appreciated Benedictine Hospitality :) I can practice a little self control, too. But I feel kind of rude turning down chocolate frosted brownies, pie, and ice cream. I mean, after all, it IS their special day...
Today is Halloween! We're having a costume party at the day care, and going trick-or-treating with our kids around the building. Carrie and I carved our pumpkin this weekend. Look for it in the Business Office at the Mount!
I am a 23 year old recent college grad living at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery in Erie, Pennsylvania for one year. Follow my journey and be a part of the challenges and adventures that these 12 months are sure to bring. Updated twice a week.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Celebrating Life
Sunday afternoon Sister Margaret Mary passed away. It's one of those events that I knew might occur during my time here, but I just didn't expect it to happen as soon as it did.
The Erie Benedictines know how to celebrate. They know how to celebrate feast days, jubilees, and they most certainly know how to celebrate the life of one of their Sisters. Taking what could be a very depressing and sad thing and turning it into a celebration of life and achievement is a gift, and this community has it. This was not the first funeral I had been a part of here at the Mount. When I led our Canisius group here in January, Sister Marie Celine had passed just before our arrival so I had the privilege of witnessing what a wonderful event a funeral really can be.
Sure, there is sadness and there are tears. Hearts are heavy, and it's a little odd not to see her anymore, but between the memory service and the mass, so many happy and funny memories are brought up, and you begin to realize that she has achieved what they all are working towards: eternal life and the most intimate relationship one can have with God. I stand in awe of how epic these past two days have been, that someone was loved so much by so many, and you can feel it everywhere.
I have missed having her sit on my side of the chapel for prayer, and I've missed wheeling her out into the dining room or up to her bedroom. I'll miss her kisses and hugs, and her sweet voice telling me she loved me, because I know she meant it even though she didn't know me that well. But I know I am all the better for knowing her these past 2 1/2 years, and I will cherish the short amount of time she was part of my life.
I love you too, Sister Margaret Mary.
The Erie Benedictines know how to celebrate. They know how to celebrate feast days, jubilees, and they most certainly know how to celebrate the life of one of their Sisters. Taking what could be a very depressing and sad thing and turning it into a celebration of life and achievement is a gift, and this community has it. This was not the first funeral I had been a part of here at the Mount. When I led our Canisius group here in January, Sister Marie Celine had passed just before our arrival so I had the privilege of witnessing what a wonderful event a funeral really can be.
Sure, there is sadness and there are tears. Hearts are heavy, and it's a little odd not to see her anymore, but between the memory service and the mass, so many happy and funny memories are brought up, and you begin to realize that she has achieved what they all are working towards: eternal life and the most intimate relationship one can have with God. I stand in awe of how epic these past two days have been, that someone was loved so much by so many, and you can feel it everywhere.
I have missed having her sit on my side of the chapel for prayer, and I've missed wheeling her out into the dining room or up to her bedroom. I'll miss her kisses and hugs, and her sweet voice telling me she loved me, because I know she meant it even though she didn't know me that well. But I know I am all the better for knowing her these past 2 1/2 years, and I will cherish the short amount of time she was part of my life.
I love you too, Sister Margaret Mary.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Fall Fun
You'd think when I work with young kids all week I'd like my weekends to be kid-free, right? Wrong. I actually can't get enough of them most times, and then I get these motherly urges that just breathe down my neck. My biological clock is just ticking away...yes I realize I'm only 22.
Sunday, Carrie and I spent the majority of the day with two kids, ages 3 and 5, at Port Farms. They are the niece and nephew of one of the Sisters here. I had a blast riding down slides, jumping hay bales, feeding goats, and playing in a pit full of corn. It brings out the kid in you, and it makes you see how great the simple things in life really are. Life should not be taken so seriously, what's 100 times down the same slide really going to hurt? We closed out the day with an impromptu 3rd birthday party for Bryn which consisted of a tour of her family's farm, a hay ride, and cake and ice cream. It was such a gorgeous day, it would have been a shame to have wasted it.
Some really awesome news: I was accepted to Edinboro University's Masters in Social Work Program this weekend as well! Some much needed good news :)
Rest in peace, Sister Margaret Mary. I was blessed to have known you. You will be greatly missed.
Sunday, Carrie and I spent the majority of the day with two kids, ages 3 and 5, at Port Farms. They are the niece and nephew of one of the Sisters here. I had a blast riding down slides, jumping hay bales, feeding goats, and playing in a pit full of corn. It brings out the kid in you, and it makes you see how great the simple things in life really are. Life should not be taken so seriously, what's 100 times down the same slide really going to hurt? We closed out the day with an impromptu 3rd birthday party for Bryn which consisted of a tour of her family's farm, a hay ride, and cake and ice cream. It was such a gorgeous day, it would have been a shame to have wasted it.
Some really awesome news: I was accepted to Edinboro University's Masters in Social Work Program this weekend as well! Some much needed good news :)
Bryn and I racing |
Rest in peace, Sister Margaret Mary. I was blessed to have known you. You will be greatly missed.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Real Silence
Have you ever been silent for an entire day? Like, actually silent, by yourself, with nobody else around you? Yeah I hadn't either, until Wednesday. Well, it wasn't an entire 24 hours, more like 9, but you get the idea. I actually don't think I could have lasted much longer, which I'm kind of ashamed to admit.
It was very nice, though. It was the first reflection day in about a month that I could actually use in its entirety for the intended purpose. I could read, nap, go for a walk, listen to some music, work on my cross stitch (cool kid), and just be. And another great thing about it was that I was in a hermitage out in the woods. I was literally right on the grounds, but felt like I was miles away. It was nice to have new surroundings and be in a different setting.
I still feel like I'm not using these days to their full potential, though. I know it takes more than two months to get used to something like this, but I was just getting into it when my days of solitude had to be put on the back burner for the next few weeks to try to take care of some student loan issues. So I feel like I've back tracked. It will take me a while to get back into the rhythm again, but I am more than looking forward to it.
Work is great as always. My kids are amazing, and full of colds this week. Gotta love this changing weather! I just hope the sickness stays away from me! Wishful thinking, I know...
It was very nice, though. It was the first reflection day in about a month that I could actually use in its entirety for the intended purpose. I could read, nap, go for a walk, listen to some music, work on my cross stitch (cool kid), and just be. And another great thing about it was that I was in a hermitage out in the woods. I was literally right on the grounds, but felt like I was miles away. It was nice to have new surroundings and be in a different setting.
I still feel like I'm not using these days to their full potential, though. I know it takes more than two months to get used to something like this, but I was just getting into it when my days of solitude had to be put on the back burner for the next few weeks to try to take care of some student loan issues. So I feel like I've back tracked. It will take me a while to get back into the rhythm again, but I am more than looking forward to it.
Work is great as always. My kids are amazing, and full of colds this week. Gotta love this changing weather! I just hope the sickness stays away from me! Wishful thinking, I know...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Blending In
One of many things these Benedictines are great at is making you feel like you are one of them. You are a part of the monastery and a part of their family, whether it's for one week or one year. As each week passes by, it becomes a stronger, more present feeling. It makes me wonder, what will I do 10 months from now?? Ok, ok, I'm thinking too far in advance. Present moments only :)
There are events here and there that really bring this feeling to life. This past weekend, Carrie and I were asked to carry the candle and incense for the vigil Saturday night. For me, this was a very big honor. Carrie carried the candle and I had the incense. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to give this klutz a bowl with a burning brick of charcoal in it, but hey, I'm still here so I must have done something right!
I think this was the most nervous I have been since moving here. Speaking at my commitment, or during prayer was not as nerve-wracking as this was. When you're up there all by yourself in the middle of the community, you feel pretty exposed. One Sister told me earlier this week, "the day you stop being nervous is the day your heart is no longer in it." So true. But I made it through, and I'm all the better for it. And for those that have commented on how precise my footwork was, if you did not already know, I was a dancer for 15 years. It is innate, I don't even think about it. I couldn't change it even if I wanted to. But thank you for noticing :)
So thank you, Sisters, for allowing me to be a part of your lives and your prayer. I would never take back the decision to participate in this program. It is the best choice I could have made at this time in my life. I am enjoying every second of it, and learning so much from you. I just hope I am giving back even a little to you.
There are events here and there that really bring this feeling to life. This past weekend, Carrie and I were asked to carry the candle and incense for the vigil Saturday night. For me, this was a very big honor. Carrie carried the candle and I had the incense. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to give this klutz a bowl with a burning brick of charcoal in it, but hey, I'm still here so I must have done something right!
I think this was the most nervous I have been since moving here. Speaking at my commitment, or during prayer was not as nerve-wracking as this was. When you're up there all by yourself in the middle of the community, you feel pretty exposed. One Sister told me earlier this week, "the day you stop being nervous is the day your heart is no longer in it." So true. But I made it through, and I'm all the better for it. And for those that have commented on how precise my footwork was, if you did not already know, I was a dancer for 15 years. It is innate, I don't even think about it. I couldn't change it even if I wanted to. But thank you for noticing :)
So thank you, Sisters, for allowing me to be a part of your lives and your prayer. I would never take back the decision to participate in this program. It is the best choice I could have made at this time in my life. I am enjoying every second of it, and learning so much from you. I just hope I am giving back even a little to you.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Toddler Top 10
After working at St. Benedict Child Development Center for a month now, I have found I've learned quite a bit in such a short amount of time. Oh the things a toddler can teach you. These are in no particular order:
10. It is completely rational to empty every toy bin out onto the floor, but only play with one thing
9. There are three vocal volumes: loud, louder, loudest
8. Eating utensils are optional
7. So are napkins
6. The remaining 7 must copy whatever the first child does, whether positive or negative, no exceptions
5. "No" is a perfectly acceptable answer to anything you say to them
4. Play-doh, soap, paint, bubbles, and dirt make up the five major food groups
3. Hugs and slobbery, snotty kisses are freely given to you, whether you like it or not
2. Nap time is essential to one's sanity, adults included
But the absolute number one thing I have learned:
1. They are the future, and I have a hand in their development. This is both exciting and a little intimidating.
Fall is here and in full form. Below are some pictures of our backyard. It's ok if you're a little jealous... :)
10. It is completely rational to empty every toy bin out onto the floor, but only play with one thing
9. There are three vocal volumes: loud, louder, loudest
8. Eating utensils are optional
7. So are napkins
6. The remaining 7 must copy whatever the first child does, whether positive or negative, no exceptions
5. "No" is a perfectly acceptable answer to anything you say to them
4. Play-doh, soap, paint, bubbles, and dirt make up the five major food groups
3. Hugs and slobbery, snotty kisses are freely given to you, whether you like it or not
2. Nap time is essential to one's sanity, adults included
But the absolute number one thing I have learned:
1. They are the future, and I have a hand in their development. This is both exciting and a little intimidating.
Fall is here and in full form. Below are some pictures of our backyard. It's ok if you're a little jealous... :)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Partying it Up, Benedictine Style
Don't believe me? You should have been a fly on the wall this past weekend. It was Jubilee, and several Sisters were celebrating 25, 50, and 60 years in the Community.
The ceremony on Saturday was absolutely wonderful, and very meaningful. I feel honored to have witnessed and taken part in the celebrations. And also being part of the set-up and clean-up, I can certainly appreciate all that goes into making it the best it can be for the Jubilarians. Whether it is a beautiful ceremony in the Chapel, or turning Kid's Cafe into what could arguably be the best party I've been to, the Benedictines know how to celebrate, that's for sure. They even got me out on the floor, with the help of a former Riepper, to improvise a dance to an Irish band, even when I was half-awake and ready to drop. (Sorry folks, no photographic or video evidence that I'm aware of. It's a shame, really) I'm thinking of hiring these women to plan my future wedding, that's how good they are! It was all so enjoyable and so much fun, I can't really explain it.
It was certainly the best weekend for celebrations and just being outside. If it weren't for all the changing leaves you'd never know it was the middle of October! Yesterday Carrie and I took one of those famous "Sunday drives" you always hear people talk about. It wasn't intentional, but we kind of got turned around trying to find something that ended up being somewhere we frequently travel to. Nothing like driving over an hour to a place that is 25 minutes away...
The place we were trying to find is Mason Farms. Cute little market. It's all decked out for Halloween and Fall in general, complete with a mini corn maze, pumpkins, a little petting zoo, apple cider, and of course, tons of apples that we just had to get. If anyone knows of an actual corn maze and/or gigantic pumpkin patch in a more rural area around here, let me know. I haven't been to one in eons. And if you do tip me off, you may even be invited to tag along...
Sunday night ended with me FINALLY catching the actual sun setting, and the most gorgeous colors in the sky. You'll never see anything more beautiful.
The ceremony on Saturday was absolutely wonderful, and very meaningful. I feel honored to have witnessed and taken part in the celebrations. And also being part of the set-up and clean-up, I can certainly appreciate all that goes into making it the best it can be for the Jubilarians. Whether it is a beautiful ceremony in the Chapel, or turning Kid's Cafe into what could arguably be the best party I've been to, the Benedictines know how to celebrate, that's for sure. They even got me out on the floor, with the help of a former Riepper, to improvise a dance to an Irish band, even when I was half-awake and ready to drop. (Sorry folks, no photographic or video evidence that I'm aware of. It's a shame, really) I'm thinking of hiring these women to plan my future wedding, that's how good they are! It was all so enjoyable and so much fun, I can't really explain it.
It was certainly the best weekend for celebrations and just being outside. If it weren't for all the changing leaves you'd never know it was the middle of October! Yesterday Carrie and I took one of those famous "Sunday drives" you always hear people talk about. It wasn't intentional, but we kind of got turned around trying to find something that ended up being somewhere we frequently travel to. Nothing like driving over an hour to a place that is 25 minutes away...
The place we were trying to find is Mason Farms. Cute little market. It's all decked out for Halloween and Fall in general, complete with a mini corn maze, pumpkins, a little petting zoo, apple cider, and of course, tons of apples that we just had to get. If anyone knows of an actual corn maze and/or gigantic pumpkin patch in a more rural area around here, let me know. I haven't been to one in eons. And if you do tip me off, you may even be invited to tag along...
Sunday night ended with me FINALLY catching the actual sun setting, and the most gorgeous colors in the sky. You'll never see anything more beautiful.
![]() |
My new friend |
Monday, October 3, 2011
"Eat, Pray, Love"
Yeah, I know. It's been over a year since that movie has come out and I am just now getting around to watching it. It took a sick roomie, a rainy day, and a Sister a little stir crazy like I was for it to happen, but hey, it happened. It's a great movie if you also have not seen it. The main character in the movie takes a year of her life after her divorce and travels to Italy, India, and Indonesia in search of the meaning of her life, love, and spirituality. It sounds just like something I would love to do. But it got me thinking: I kind of am doing that right now. Granted I just went two hours away to Erie, Pennsylvania, but at times it can seem like I am in a whole new world. And no, I am not just getting over a divorce, but I am ending one very big part of my life and trying to decide where to go from there. So I broke down each category and tried to explain my version of "Eat, Pray, Love". Here it goes:
We do a lot of eating here. There's no way you could come here and starve. Maybe just on a Sunday night, but even then you have an entire kitchen to raid if you so choose. They feed you well, you will never have anything to worry about. But I was thinking of this idea in a more abstract sense, kind of taking in whatever is around, whether it be scenery, stories, wisdom, or your daily experiences. I have tried to do this every day. "Present moment, beautiful moment" (see, I do pay attention...). There is a lot to gain both within the monastery walls and being out around so many different people in so many different situations. But you can't just let it come to you, you have to do the work too. Reflection days help with this.
As you might have guessed, we do a lot of that here, too. I begin and end my days with prayer. But, again, it's much more than showing up to pray with the community each day. It's about looking into your soul and searching for your inner spirit, where God lies within you and how God works through you. How does that fit into your life, your daily rhythm? Spirituality and prayer goes much deeper than just saying the words. It takes sitting in silence, reading scripture, listening to what God says to you. It's not always easy, but if you can get into the right mindset, it does work.
Now, I'm not looking for love in the romantic sense, at least not at this moment in time, but I am searching for a love of life and of self, and a sense of purpose. It is very easy to enjoy life when you do not have a ton of pressure put on you each and every day, and you are surrounded by so many people who support you, even when you might not even notice it. It allows you to free yourself, and really just work on being you. And when you have a love for what you do, like I do with all of the kids in my class, this just sweetens the deal. I've felt that in all of the ministries. When work doesn't feel like work, then you can enjoy what you are doing. And when you can learn to love yourself fully in the process, which can take a while, and I can admit I am still working on that one, then things can come full circle.
So there's my adventure of "Eat, Pray, Love". Not exactly the wonderfully exotic and adventurous year Julia Roberts portrayed, but it is most definitely a challenge and adventure for me. Hopefully it makes sense to some of you out there. I'll tweak these here and there as the year progresses, I'm sure.
We do a lot of eating here. There's no way you could come here and starve. Maybe just on a Sunday night, but even then you have an entire kitchen to raid if you so choose. They feed you well, you will never have anything to worry about. But I was thinking of this idea in a more abstract sense, kind of taking in whatever is around, whether it be scenery, stories, wisdom, or your daily experiences. I have tried to do this every day. "Present moment, beautiful moment" (see, I do pay attention...). There is a lot to gain both within the monastery walls and being out around so many different people in so many different situations. But you can't just let it come to you, you have to do the work too. Reflection days help with this.
As you might have guessed, we do a lot of that here, too. I begin and end my days with prayer. But, again, it's much more than showing up to pray with the community each day. It's about looking into your soul and searching for your inner spirit, where God lies within you and how God works through you. How does that fit into your life, your daily rhythm? Spirituality and prayer goes much deeper than just saying the words. It takes sitting in silence, reading scripture, listening to what God says to you. It's not always easy, but if you can get into the right mindset, it does work.
Now, I'm not looking for love in the romantic sense, at least not at this moment in time, but I am searching for a love of life and of self, and a sense of purpose. It is very easy to enjoy life when you do not have a ton of pressure put on you each and every day, and you are surrounded by so many people who support you, even when you might not even notice it. It allows you to free yourself, and really just work on being you. And when you have a love for what you do, like I do with all of the kids in my class, this just sweetens the deal. I've felt that in all of the ministries. When work doesn't feel like work, then you can enjoy what you are doing. And when you can learn to love yourself fully in the process, which can take a while, and I can admit I am still working on that one, then things can come full circle.
So there's my adventure of "Eat, Pray, Love". Not exactly the wonderfully exotic and adventurous year Julia Roberts portrayed, but it is most definitely a challenge and adventure for me. Hopefully it makes sense to some of you out there. I'll tweak these here and there as the year progresses, I'm sure.
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